Un’incredibile infografica racchiude la storia dello sviluppo delle più significative tute spaziali realizzate dalle varie agenzie spaziali per vestire gli astronauti nelle varie missioni. Cliccate sull’immagine per avere un ingrandimento.

Non tutte le tute hanno volato e rappresentano solo uno step sperimentale. Qui sotto trovate l’elenco completo delle tute raffigurate:

Prima fila:

Mk IV Suit, built by BF Goodrich in the 1960s

Mk II Model “O” Suit, built by BF Goodrich, 1956

Mk V Modified suit, built by BF Goodrich, 1968

Mk II Model “R” suit, BF Goodrich, 1956

Mercury Spacesuit (worn by Alan Shepard), based on the Navy Mk IV, BF Goodrich, 1960

RX-3 MOL Prototype, Litton Industries, 1965

AES Apollo Apollo Applications Project Chromel-R Cover Layer, Litton Industries, 1969

A4-H Apollo Developmental suit, ILC for Hamilton Standard, 1964

SPD-143 Apollo Developmental AX1-L, ILC Industries, 1963

A5-L Apollo Prototype, ILC Industries, 1965

EX1-A Apollo Applications Project, AiResearch Corporation, 1968

Mk V, modified, BF Goodrich, 1968

Pressure garment from the G4-C spacesuit worn by Gene Cernan on Gemini 9, 1965

Seconda fila

Sokol KV-2

RX-2A, Litton Industries, 1964

AX-3, NASA Ames Research Center, 1974

Mercury Spacesuit

AES, Apollo Applications Project, Chromel-R Cover Layer, Litton Industries, 1969


Mk IV, Arowhead, late 1950s

RX-2 Legs with RX-2A Partial Torso, Litton Industries, 1964

Apollo A7-L EVA Suit, ILC Industries, 1970

Apollo A7-LB EVA Suit, ILC Industries, 1971

Apollo A7-L EVA Suit, ILC Industries, 1970

Mercury Spacesuit

Soviet SK-1 Spacesuit, 1961-63

G3-C, David Clark Company, 1964